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democracy vs dictatorship

 what is democracy? The word democracy has been derived from Greek word demos which means people and kratos means democracy means p...

 what is democracy?

The word democracy has been derived from Greek word demos which means people and kratos means democracy means power of  the people. democracy mostly found in asian countries.

Is democracy better than dictatorship?

The Majority rule type of government is delighted in by individuals and it gives a lot of freedom to individuals and the power is in the hand of masses. Then again, fascism removes that large number of privileges and freedom. Besides, power is in the hand of a solitary individual.

What are the advantages of democracy over dictatorship?

A majority rules government permits each resident to have a stake and take part in choosing their future and country's needs. Different types of state run administrations like tyrant, monarchical and tyranny don't affect individuals in dynamic course of advancement.


What is the difference between democracy and dictatorship ?

A vote based system is an arrangement of government which is picked by the whole populace or other qualified individuals from the state through chosen delegates. A fascism is a type of government where a solitary individual or gathering employ power with practically no constraints to protected power.

What are 5 characteristics of dictatorship?

Tyrannies are in many cases described by a portion of the accompanying: suspension of races and common freedoms; declaration of a highly sensitive situation; rule by pronouncement; constraint of political rivals; not keeping the strategies of law and order, and the presence of a clique of character fixated on the pioneer.

Who are the 4 main dictators?
Despots, including Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Napoleon and Kim Jong-un, uncover what happens when one individual is given uncontrolled power.


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