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Top must read books

.  Pride and Bias by Jane Austen (1813) ... .To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960) ... .The Incomparable Gatsby by F. ... .100 Years of...

Pride and Bias by Jane Austen (1813) ...

.To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee (1960) ...

.The Incomparable Gatsby by F. ...

.100 Years of Isolation by Gabriel García Márquez (1967) ...

.Without hesitating by Truman Overcoat (1965) ...

.Wide Sargasso Ocean by Jean Rhys (1966) ...

.Exciting modern lifestyle by Aldous Huxley (1932)

What is the most great book from read's perspective?

1 . Looking for Lost Time by Marcel Proust. 
2 . Ulysses by James Joyce. 
3 . Wear Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes. 
4 . 100 Years of Isolation by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. 
5 . The Incomparable Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. 
6 . Moby Dick by Herman Melville. 
7 . War and Harmony by Leo Tolstoy

Reading book is very helpful in that time of life we learn too much informative knowledge from books.

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